Famous National Holidays in Mexico City

Despite being a land-locked city, Mexico City is truly becoming a popular tourist destination. While this historic city has many attractions to explore. Know how people celebrate the National holidays in Mexico City, learn and enjoy!
Diez y Seis (September 16th)
Diez y Seis is Mexico’s Independence Day and is celebrated with great pomp and splendour. Locals gather at the Mexico City main square and listen intently to the annual speech given by the Mayor to honour the sacrifices of many. Aside from the military parades, there are fireworks, music and food to explore as well!
Dia de la Raza (October 14th)
Dia de la Raza; also known as Day of the Race or Columbus Day. It is honoured in many countries on October 14th and there are large gatherings and public parades held on this day that celebrates the mark of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in America.
Dia de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe (December 12th)
Considered a national holiday in Mexico City, the Dia de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe is said to be the day when the Virgin Mary appeared to Juan Diego where the image is imprinted on his cloak. The iconic cloak is now hung at the Basilica de Guadalupe in Mexico City where Mexicans honour the Patron Saint on December 12th.
Book a flight to Mexico City and experience the Mexican celebrations.
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